Following their complimentary consultations, Donnie & Alicia wasted no time in booking their LASIK procedures! They scheduled their procedures within days of their initial visits and surgery took place just before Christmas, allowing them to enjoy their first holiday together FREE from glasses and contacts!!
Meet Donnie and Alicia Boston, two Evansville natives who have worn glasses and contacts for a combined total of 55 years (wow!) and made the decision for LASIK with Dr. Silvera at Talley Eye Institute. The Bostons have agreed to allow us to follow them on their journey and plan on checking in with us and our followers to share with others how easy, rewarding, and worthwhile LASIK is for our patients!
Alicia is a full-time mom and PTA President at Highland Elementary School. When she’s not busy running her two young children to sports and school events, you’ll find her working hard on school fundraisers and event-planning. Alicia has a high, near-sighted prescription and without her glasses she’d be in a tough situation and left with vision that would render her nearly incapacitated. For Alicia, the decision for LASIK was not one she took lightly. As a frugal mother of two, she budgets carefully and researches options tediously. LASIK will truly be a life-changing procedure for Alicia.
Donnie is a full-time sales manager, his job involves daily travel and interactions with customers. In his free time, he enjoys hunting and coaching his kids’ sports teams so improving his vision with LASIK would really allow to him to enjoy quite a bit more freedom. “I hate dealing with contacts, I want to wake up and be able to go”. Donnie is on the other end of the spectrum with a near-sighted prescription and astigmatism, all treatable with LASIK!
Stay tuned for updates on the Bostons as they undergo their LASIK procedures and experience an exclusive look inside our surgery suite!