The iStent is a trabecular micro-bypass system implanted at the time of cataract surgery to treat mild-to-moderate primary open-angle glaucoma. The surgeons at Talley Eye Institute began using the original iStent in 2017, upgrading to the iStent Inject in 2019, and finally to the latest iStent inject W in 2020. Dr. Dwight Silvera was the first to implant the iStent inject W in the region.
Representing the next generation of the trabecular micro-bypass technology, the iStent inject W provides greater stability of the stent, a more streamlined procedure with better procedural predictability. The iStent inject W is built on a solid, dependable foundation of proven efficacy and safety in thousands of eyes worldwide to reduce eye pressure in adult patients with both cataracts and mild-to-moderate primary open-angle glaucoma. “With iStent inject W, we now have an advanced option that not only effectively manages eye pressure associated with glaucoma but may also reduce our patients’ reliance on glaucoma medication,” said Dr. Silvera.
The iStent inject W stents are one of the smallest medical devices known to be implanted in the human body. When inserted into the eye, these tiny stents create two bypasses, or openings, between the front part of the eye and its natural drainage passageway, restoring the eye’s natural ability to drain fluid. For patients managing their glaucoma with medication and are now preparing for cataract surgery, the iStent inject W may be an ideal option. Talk with your doctor to learn if iStent inject W is right for you.